Acetaminophen Overdose: What Every Pharmacist Should Know- With the availability of so many prescription and OTC-strength acetaminophen formulations, there is potential for patients to inadvertently (or intentionally) consume excess amounts of acetaminophen. It is essential that pharmacists be aware of the FDA's updated information regarding product availability and dosing of acetaminophen-containing products, and also be very familiar with the signs and symptoms of acetaminophen overdose. Emergency response time and implementation of appropriate antidote treatment is crucial in order to prevent liver injury and/or death.
Explain the FDA's plans to increase the safety of acetaminophen and how this may affect practice;
Describe the pathophysiology of acetaminophen toxicity;
Identify the toxic doses of acetaminophen as well as the clinical features and treatment of acetaminophen toxicity;
Summarize strategies to enhance patient knowledge and prevention of acetaminophen toxicity; and
Provide accurate and appropriate counsel as part of the treatment team.
2.0 Free CPE for Pharmacists
Expires 7/31/15