Who's Going to Make the Difference? The Role of Pharmacists in Addressing Disparities in the Management of Diabetes- The existence of disparities in the care of diabetes for certain populations including Latinos/Hispanics, African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders and American Indian/Alaskan Natives was identified over twenty years ago. Despite this awareness, disparities have not been adequately addressed and, in some areas, continue to increase. The problem is so serious that the American Diabetes Association made this a 2013 legislative priority and placed it in their 2011-2015 strategic plan. Pharmacists are uniquely placed to address these disparities because of the unparalleled access we have to patients. With the advent of the Affordable Care Act, the time is now for pharmacists to practice at the top of their licenses to address healthcare disparities in diabetes. This program will describe existing healthcare disparities in diabetes, identify those areas where pharmacists can have the greatest impact, and provide practical examples of how pharmacists can develop knowledge and skills to help address health disparities issues.
Evaluate the medication therapy and monitoring parameters of a patient with diabetes to ensure that he/she is being treated in accordance with current management practices and guidelines and meeting current goals.
Compare and contrast common medication therapy and goal achievement for patients with diabetes with and without health disparities.
Develop a plan to address deficits in medication therapy and goal achievement for your patients with health disparities.
1.0 Free CEUs for Pharmacists
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Expires 5/1/15
Presented by FreeCE.com with grant from Merck