Emergency Contraception: Clinical Aspects and Patient Care-
In recent years, several over-the-counter emergency contraception products have entered the market. These include Plan B and other levonorgestrel-based generic alternatives. No longer are these products dispensed by pharmacists, nor are they subject to age restrictions, counseling requirements, and certain other guidelines that were imposed when Plan B was first approved. Yet, there is significant confusion, as well as misunderstanding and anxiety, among pharmacists as well as consumers regarding how emergency contraception works, when it can be effectively dispensed and used, and who can use it. It is essential that pharmacy professionals be able to consistently and authoritatively counsel patients about OTC emergency contraception products – regardless of whether the product is available OTC, behind-the-counter, or in a locked display. This CE activity provides pharmacists a thorough review of how these products are used, who may purchase them, and how they and their patients can obtain additional needed i nformation.
List the currently available emergency contraception (EC) products and their OTC status.
Describe the mechanism of action and adverse effects of EC products.
Describe how patients obtain EC products, including age restrictions and specific state restrictions.
Outline counseling points for patients taking EC products – instructions for use, side effects, and implications.
Explain the specific FDA requirements and practice guidelines that govern the sale of EC products.
1.0 Free CEUs for Pharmacists
Expires 6/1/18